July 3, 2009
This was a very short development time since our last update, but we wanted to get out a fun event for the 4th of July celebration. We have fixed quite a few bugs, thanks to those of you who have been reporting them at support@onverse.com. Please keep up the reports, they are truly appreciated.
Game Updates[]
4th of July Celebration is here![]
There is a new platform down next to Bluewater Bay in the Hub full of gear for the celebration. Grab your free sparkler and flag tools and let the patriotism begin. Use your sparkler to light firework launchers from the beach up to the Amphitheatre. Get ready for a light show of raining Player Points! Use your points to outfit your avatar with USA gear back at the platform. Look on your hub map for the big USA flag to take you straight to the event!
- Ladies, Eslayer has made some really good lookin' tube tops, now available in Threadz.
- The hangout on top of the Metroview apartments is now called Mile High Café.
- Added some rare Tool Targets to the Hub.
- Added a few more tier 3 (rare) clothing spawns.
- Added some new icons during furniture placement to better show movement directions.
- The items sold in Threadz should be more evenly distributed throughout the store.
- Added another load screen tip regarding furniture placement.
Better Instancing Explanations (Map) (Part 2)[]
We've moved the map explanations and instance lists above the map itself. We did this in hopes that it would be more clear to choose which area you want to go in prior to clicking the map to enter that specific area.
- The drinks in the free spawns in the Onverse Store should now be fixed.
- Fixed some items in stores that had the wrong tier and spawn glow associated with them.
- Lowered many particle effects in the world to increase performance.
- The strobe light now actually strobes!
- The large hammer now has correct collision for shadows.
- Fixed some misspellings and missing descriptions on items.
- Fixed a crash when taking screenshots.
- Two people should not be able to sit on the same sit point anymore.
- Hitting Shift while chatting should no longer toggle run/walk modes.
- Changed wording of "Action Mode" to "Equip Mode" in a few places.
Steve M. Pierce II
CEO - Onverse