April 13, 2012
Spring is a wonderful time of year! Once again, Spring gives us new items and changes to the world of Onverse. It’s getting warmer, but are you ready for the new hotness? Read on for all the details!
Spring Fashions – Part 3[]
Part 3 of our Spring Fashion clothing brings you many new styles for men and women, as well as some shared clothing. From hoodies with the hood up, to polo shirts, to balloon dresses and gladiator sandals, there are plenty of new styles to customize and shine!
Spring Surprises Changes[]
The chances to get a Red and Gold Sun Key from the Spring Chests have increased by 10% and 20%. A new white version of the Bunny Costume is available now in the Gold Chest. It’s time to get those Gold Chest prizes!
Golden Egg Hunt[]
A new Golden Egg can be found around the Hub. This special Easter egg will give you a gift box every time with a new pair of Spring-themed wings! The Golden Egg is hard to find though, as there is only one egg up at any given time. Search high, low and everywhere in between!
Humorous Baby Animal Photos[]
Who can resist photos of cute baby animals with a funny caption? Nobody can! These cute critter photos can be found in Art Gecko or temporarily in Factory Fresh Imports in the Hub.
New Jackpot Treasures[]
Some new golden clothing has been added into the Red and Gold Jackpot Treasure Chests. Can you find them all?
Nature’s Gifts[]
Many new nature-themed furniture items can be found in Factory Fresh Imports and Sprouts. From bee hives and bird nests, to bird baths and vine curtains, Mother Nature has been very generous!
Wings and Pogos[]
New versions of the flying wing and pogo stick mounts can be found in the Stables in the Hub. The pogo sticks are very affordable, Player Point mounts. Fly and bounce your way into fun!
Other Cool Stuff[]
- You can now collect all Tool Targets while wearing the Phoenix Wing mount.
- Home Power Switches have been converted to a Player Point item so everyone can power up their homes easier!
- Don't forget to like our Facebook App!
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