May 7, 2010
Hello fellow Onversers! We are winding down our current development cycle for our next BIG update and this email is to give you a sneak peek towards some of the new features coming to Onverse. We also wanted to inform you of a huge sweepstakes promotion that just started today.
Private Island Sweepstakes[]
This is our biggest promotion yet and the grand prize is huge. Win your own Private Island and Cash Coins with a grand prize value of $540 for you and three friends! Sign up for the promotion by clicking the link below. Be sure to invite your friends so you can share your prize, or they can share theirs with you!
Dev Sneak Peek[]
With the influx of many new users, we've taken a lot of feedback into this next update. One thing seemed to be consistent, and it happily corresponded with one of our near term goals was to get another game developed for play inside the Onverse! Paintball was partially in development a while back, but we are ready now to release it in all its glory as...
Splatball is Onverse's take on a classic game of paintball, and it takes First-Person Shooters to a level not seen in any other virtual world.
Enter the Splatball arena with your team and cover the other team with paint via many different paint guns and powerups. A new scoring system not seen anywhere else will make sure to balance gameplay and keep teams on their toes in a struggle for leadership until the final seconds!
Paradise Estates[]
Estates are the next level of housing in the Onverse, and Paradise Estates are the first of their kind. They are an extension off of Volcano Island, similar to the Penthouses in the Hub.
Enter this lush new island that contains four estates, each secluded in their own area of the island and each containing multiple houses as a part of a single purchase area. Each estate contains a Tuscan Mansion, as well as either 2 Tuscan Bugalows or 1 2-Room Tuscan Cottage. All of the land area surrounding the homes is yours to decorate as well. There is also a new store at the center of the island for purchasing outdoor objects, such as trees, treasure and ruins!
VIP Multiple Housing and New Test Area[]
VIP members will now be able to purchase multiple houses! We've created a new pop-up window when you click your Home button to allow you to select which house to go to, to show that house on a map, and to even customize the names of your homes.
A new massive, multi-route racetrack has been built in the VIP Test Area to help us in testing out a new type of car and physics tweaks. Vehicles need a lot of TLC to get them done right, but they are beginning to shape up and we can't wait to see them in the game!
There will be, as always, other fixes and improvements, but for now, this concludes our Development Sneak peek.
Onverse yourself... get inside!